Choose your subscription
Please download GPTLocalhost Launcher (Mac or Windows).
The Launcher installs GPTLocalhost as an Add-in in Microsoft Word.
After installation, you can select one of the following subscription plans within the Add-in.
free 10-day trial
per user
1-year support & no free trial
per user
free 10-day trial
per user
free 10-day trial
per user
- Please note: (1) GPTLocalhost does not provide any LLM Servers. You need to install your favorite LLM Server on your own. Tested LLM Servers include: AnythingLLM, LiteLLM, LM Studio, Ollama, llama.cpp, LocalAI, KoboldCpp, Xinference, and OpenLLM, as shown on the demo page.
- Please note: (2) GPTLocalhost runs only with an active subscription and within a single session. The subscription fee is set low to make it affordable for more users to utilize local models, while also ensuring the sustainability of GPTLocalhost’s development and its integration with more servers and models.
- Monthly Subscription: Your subscription will automatically renew. You can cancel at any time to stop future renewals. After cancellation, your subscription will stay active until the end of the current billing cycle, with no refund provided.
- Lifetime Subscription: You are granted perpetual access to use the software. The support period is limited to one year from your purcahse date, after which no further software updates, bug fixes, or technical support will be provided.
- All prices listed do not include tax.