Word Add-ins require “https” connection to run locally in Word. To make it run on Mac, you’ll need to complete the following steps.
Click “Install Certificate” during installation.
GPTLocalhost will remind you for your permission to add the certificate to your system. Please click “OK”.
Next, enter your password for updating your Keychain. This is a standard operation on Mac for adding a new certificate to your system.
In Microsoft Word, you can now activate GPTLocalhost as a Word Add-in. However, if this is the first time to run GPTLocalhost, the following message will show up. Please click “Show Certificate” button.
Click “Always trust” in the following screen so that the certificate will be trusted for localhost (
Click “Restart” in the following screen to run GPTLocahost in your Word application. The following error will disappear because a valid security certificated has been created for “https” connection behind the scene.
You can use GPTLocalhost now to power your Word application with your favorite LLM servers.
Enjoy your productivity boost locally and in private. No cloud-based LLM servers are required.