Word Add-ins require “https” connection to run locally in Word. To make it run on Mac, you’ll need to complete the following steps.

  • Click “Install Certificate” during installation.

  • GPTLocalhost will remind you for your permission to add the certificate to your system. Please click “OK”.

  • Next, enter your password for updating your Keychain. This is a standard operation on Mac for adding a new certificate to your system.
  • In Microsoft Word, you can now activate GPTLocalhost as a Word Add-in. However, if this is the first time to run GPTLocalhost, the following message will show up. Please click “Show Certificate” button.

  • Click “Always trust” in the following screen so that the certificate will be trusted for localhost (

  • Click “Restart” in the following screen to run GPTLocahost in your Word application. The following error will disappear because a valid security certificated has been created for “https” connection behind the scene.

  • You can use GPTLocalhost now to power your Word application with your favorite LLM servers.

  • Enjoy your productivity boost locally and in private. No cloud-based LLM servers are required.