Please click the following to download GPTLocalhost Launcher:

For installation, please follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Unzip the downloaded software and execute GPTLocalhost Launcher.
  • Step 2: GPTLocalhost Launcher will install required components, install GPTLocalhost Word Add-in and launch GPTLocalhost Proxy Server.
    • Step 3: Enable GPTLocalhost Word Add-in in Microsoft Word.
    • Step 4: Click to GPTLocalhost Word Add-in icon to run it.
    • Step 5: Run your local model with your favorite platform and enable its local LLM API Server mode (e.g., LM Studio, Transformer Lab, etc.). For example, the following runs the server at port 1234.
    • Step 6: Set the same port in GPTLocalhost Word Add-in and start using local LLM in Word. Behind the scene, GPTLocalhost Word Add-in connects with your favorite LLM API Server through GPTLocalhost Proxy Server.